Build Eco-Friendly Home Office Habits

Green Your Home Office Routine

Greening your home office is simpler than you think. In fact, it will help corral the chaos on your desk, create a more soothing environment, and be better for both the earth and your health. Here are six ways to go from clutter to calm while helping the planet.

Cozy Up

Manage the temperature in your home with a Smart Thermostat. If you can, forgo turning up the heat, using a blanket, a cup of tea, or some cozy slippers. If you have a larger home, use an ENERGY STAR space heater to warm the space where you’re working instead of heating the rest of your (empty) house.

Light It Right

Maximize natural light. Set up your computer or workspace next to a window and let that sunshine in. If using lights, swap your bulbs for ENERGY STAR LED ones (which will save money on your energy bill).

Go Secondhand

Many fast furniture companies use toxic materials in their furniture, emitting VOCs that can be harmful to your health. Not to mention that while their pieces might be stylish for the moment, they are not built to last – adding to landfill waste. Instead, look for high-quality, secondhand office furniture to outfit your workspace.


Did you know?

The 80 to 100 million trees that are chopped down to produce America’s junk mail every year could sequester 1.7 million tons of CO2 annually if left standing.


Stop Junk

Tired of sifting through junk mail? It’s time to stop the flow. As the Federal Trade Commission suggests, you can register at ($2 fee) to get fewer marketing pieces and catalogs and at to stop credit card and insurance offers. You can also download the PaperKarma app, snap a pic of your unwanted mail, and get less mail in just 6 to 12 weeks (fees apply). 

Smart Supplies

Opt for recycled printer paper, uncoated pencils, refillable pens, and plastic-free notepads, binders, and dividers. If you have a printer, purchase refillable ink cartridges instead of disposable ones. Reuse shredder paper as a cushion when shipping packages or giving gifts.

Focus on Your Energy

Desktops, printers, shredders, oh my! These devices are common energy vampires that suck energy when not in use. Add a power strip beneath your desk to turn off electronics at the end of your workday.



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