Your customizable guide
to a simplified, more sustainable life.

SIMPLIFY your life.

SAVE the planet.

Make HEALTHIER choices.

BUILD community.

ENJOY more.


SIMPLIFY your life. SAVE the planet. Make HEALTHIER choices. BUILD community. ENJOY more. Buy LESS.

—the book—

Mothering Earth
will help you find your way into sustainable living with ease while giving you more time for what matters most.

Mothering Earth offers actionable, approachable solutions to create an effective, healthy, manageable eco-routine. This fresh, inspiring guide offers accessible tools and tips to fight climate change, reduce plastics, and limit overall waste — while also building connection, calm, and joy. Realistic yet impactful, Mothering Earth gives readers a feasible, tailorable road map for shifting habits and making them stick in this Earth-saving guidebook.

An essential roadmap detailing ways to:

✓ Simplify your life
✓ Reduce your footprint
✓ Live with less plastic
✓ Find joy + connection
✓ Make healthier choices for your family
✓ Save time + money
✓ Find more time for what matters

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Eve Rodsky

New York Times best-selling author of Fair Play and National Bestseller, Find Your Unicorn Space

We know women and girls will be most affected by climate change. Mothering Earth has us all thinking about how to take agency in our own lives while fighting for the systemic changes we need for a thriving planet.

Ashlee Piper

Sustainability Expert and Author of Give A Sh*t: Do Good. Live Better. Save the Planet.

Saving the planet is an all-hands-on-deck effort, and in this book, Julia gives strategies that can get your whole family (or just yourself whilst navigating family) on board with simple shifts that are economical, fun, and best of all, impactful. Every household needs to read this. Better yet, every human needs to read this.

Melinda Kramer

Co-Founder and Co-Director of Women’s Earth Alliance

In Mothering Earth, Julia Rockwell has shared with us the gift of her perspective as a mother, caregiver, and eco-actionist. This book is a powerful and practical guide for how we can individually make small shifts and daily choices to collectively create a more just, equitable world – and a more climate resilient future – for our children and for generations to come.

Anne Therese Gennari

Author of The Climate Optimist Handbook

In Mothering Earth, Julia beautifully puts words to the transformation that takes place on a sustainability journey and what it feels like when you’re no longer stuck in the game of ‘doing things perfectly’, but let yourself sink into a new life rhythm. One with more meaning, joy, and peace of mind - for yourself and your family! She will guide you through very concrete and actionable steps that will take you out of your old mindsets (without shame) and into new ones that are better for you and for the planet. Conscious parenting is not an easy task, but Julia will show you how it’s not only possible - it's the foundation for a whole new kind of life. And one that you don’t want to miss out on.

Jill Koziol

Cofounder & CEO, Motherly

Mothering Earth is the approachable, accessible guide I’ve needed to move from overwhelm to action. Julia skillfully outlines the small, simple changes my family can make to live more sustainably and create a stronger planet.

Danielle Jezienicki

Director of Sustainability at Grove Collaborative

We all want to make the right decisions in our household and as consumers to reduce our footprint as well as to encourage companies to act ethically and set an example for our children. Julia has done incredibly thorough research coupled with her dedicated experience and testing in order to offer a wide host of solutions for every aspect of domestic life. This book will be an incredibly valuable resource for parents and non-parents alike as we all seek to lighten our load on Mother Earth!

Jenna Zimmerman Robinson

Emmy- and James Beard Award-nominated writer, producer, and director

We all know we should lower our carbon footprint and create less waste, but the shift always feels daunting and un-fun, best left for another day when we finally have time to do the research and buy all those specialty products. A busy mom of two, Julia knows what works for modern families and shares accessible and affordable swaps and strategies to reduce waste without sacrificing style, time, convenience, or fun. Positive impact on the planet AND your family? Yes, please!

Kimberly Wolf

Educator, Sex Ed Expert, Curriculum Strategist, & Author of Talk with Her: A Dad's Essential Guide to Raising Healthy, Confident, and Capable Daughters

Mothering Earth is the ‘where to start’ sustainability manual every parent needs. Julia shows us that eco-activism isn’t about adding more to an endless to-do list, but living more simply and enjoying life more. With deeply-researched, actionable advice and strategies, this book is a must-read, illuminating the easy shifts we can make to create healthier households, set examples that inspire our children, and give rise to healthier futures for our families, communities, and planet.

Kara Moore O’Leary

Ecologist & Conservation Biologist

As an ecologist, the immensity of global change is on my mind every day. Julia’s tips and ideas for living more gently on our earth while living our busy lives are a breath of fresh air. It’s wonderful to have reminders and new ideas on how we can take action and help our children put the planet first in their choices as they learn and grow.

Maura Dilley

Reuse Designer, Cascade Circular

Julia’s book connects the dots between climate change and the prevailing notion that one must consume their way to being a good parent. She reframes the sustainability conversation in a way that provides families space to move forward into a lifestyle change that’s enriching and regenerative for weary parents and a weary planet. I’m glad for this accessible and practical guide to Mothering Earth.

Sandra Velasquez

CEO & Founder, Nopalera

Julia is that fun friend who shows you how living sustainably doesn’t require big sacrifices, but rather how small choices can have big impact.

Kristi Yeh

Marriage and Family Therapist and founder of Parent Self-Care

Mothering Earth is the encouraging and empowering guide busy parents are looking for to help them embrace sustainable living. Wherever you fall on the spectrum of sustainable living, this book has practical tools to bring more joy, presence, and compassion to your family and the world.

Jessie Stokes

Founder, Tiny Yellow Bungalow

Mothering Earth is an inspiring and informative book that offers simple solutions to help readers live more sustainably. Readers can use this book as a sustainable living guide, jumping around to various chapters that spark interest and implementing these easy eco actions at their own pace. The perfect read for a busy eco-minded parent!

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