Deodorant Cream: An Honest Review

I Did NOT Want to Try This Product

About a decade ago, while on my quest to find a functional natural deodorant, I first came across a deodorant cream and immediately thought “No, that’s not for me.” While some may consider me a tree-hugging San Franciscan, this felt a step too far. Years passed and I would regularly get asked if I’d tried it. My resistance continued.

If I’m being honest with myself, I think the thing I was most hesitant about when it came to trying a deodorant cream was that I had to touch the deodorant (and my armpit). I had become attached to the idea of an applicator stick—which was designed to avoid touching the deodorant itself. There was nothing inherently gross about my armpit, and yet, it felt like a place I didn’t want to spend time while trying to get my kids’ teeth brushed as we hurried out the door to school.

In the meantime, I tried countless non-toxic- and plastic-free deodorants with limited success. Some didn’t work at all. Others, such as Native, worked at first but then stopped working over time—plus they changed their formula when they were sold to Proctor & Gamble.* I was even willing to overlook it by trying their Unscented product but after a year, it suddenly stopped working and my armpits were a wet, stinky mess. Other products I tried stained my clothes with their oily ingredients—leaving me frustrated, with a smaller wardrobe, and drained in my quest. After eight years, I finally broke down and bought Fat and the Moon’s deodorant cream. But the question remained, was it going to work and was I going to be okay without an applicator?

*Native used to be a clean brand. However, once they were bought by P&G, they went from scenting their products with essential oils to chemical fragrances. Chemical fragrances, which appear as ‘fragrances’ on ingredient labels, are a huge no-no. The word ‘fragrance’ is a blanket term that conceals over 3000 chemicals. Fragrance chemicals can cause a range of health problems including hormonal (endocrine) disruption, allergic reactions, and other health problems. Some are even considered neurotoxins and carcinogens.

About Deodorant Cream

What is Deodorant Cream?

Deodorant cream offers a natural alternative to conventional stick deodorants, providing effective odor protection without harsh chemicals. Typically made with ingredients like coconut oil, baking soda, and essential oils, these creams work by neutralizing bacteria that cause body odor while allowing the skin to breathe.

The creamy texture allows for easy application and can often be tailored to individual preferences, with a variety of scents available or even unscented options for those with sensitivities. Additionally, many deodorant creams come in eco-friendly packaging like glass or stainless steel, appealing to environmentally-conscious consumers. As the demand for sustainable beauty products grows, deodorant creams are becoming an increasingly popular choice in personal care.

How to Apply It:

To apply deodorant cream, you can use your fingertip, the back of your fingernail, or a bamboo spatula to scoop out a pea-sized amount. Personally, I use the back of my fingernail to scrape out a little and then rub the cream between my fingers to smooth it out before applying it to my underarms. I then rub it in until it's fully absorbed. Simple. The texture is similar to that of a thick, non-oily lotion if you were to mix some baking soda into it. I moisturize my face and body. The experience of putting on deodorant cream on my armpits is really no different.

Why Consider it?

Conventional deodorants often contain a mix of synthetic chemicals that can be harmful to your health. Many of these products include aluminum compounds, parabens, and synthetic fragrances. Aluminum is linked to hormone disruption and may contribute to breast cancer risk, while parabens and synthetic fragrances have been associated with negative hormonal effects. Additionally, synthetic fragrances are rarely disclosed, making it difficult to know what you are applying to your skin (see * above for more). By opting for natural alternatives, you can reduce your exposure to these potentially toxic substances and promote better overall health.

My Review: Deodorant Cream

The Pros:

✓ Long Lasting: I began using my 2oz. jar of Fat and the Moon’s deodorant cream seven months ago. A little goes a LONG way and I am only now starting to see the bottom of the jar.

✓ Fewer Applications: I consider myself to be a sweaty person. Even as a teen and 20-something when I was using Dove and Arrid deodorant, I would apply deodorant at least two times a day—-morning and night, plus an extra application to freshen up before heading to an activity. However, with the deodorant cream, I don’t feel that I need to apply it as many times throughout the day. Right now, I’m down to one to two times total. I always put some on after getting out of the shower at night and sometimes in the morning before heading out for the day (but I don’t feel like that second application is a do-or-die situation like I did with previous conventional and natural deodorant brands.

It Keeps The Stink Away: This might not be for me to fully decide but I can say that I don’t think I smell. I feel no insecurity on hot days when I’m sweating and don’t feel any immediate need to reapply after working out. (Things I was always a bit self-conscious of before when I felt like my deodorants were quitting on me.)

✓ No Residue: I haven’t found that it leaves white marks on my shirts or dresses when taking clothing on and off.

I Don’t Feel Wet: When it’s warm out, my underarms don’t feel slippery or wet like they did with Native deodorant or some other natural brands I tried.

No Toxic Ingredients: I love that I can read the ingredient label and know that everything I’m putting on my body is safe.

✓ It’s Plastic-Free:

✓ No Wasted Product like with the chunk of deodorant left over at the bottom of applicators

✓ It’s More Cost Effective. Because it lasts SO much longer than a stick so in the end, it is super cost effective.

✓ The Scent. Personally, I have always preferred an Unscented deodorant. While this does have a light fragrance (my kids say it smells a bit like fresh lemons), it’s very soft and mild so I don’t feel like I am wafting a scent (of any kind) from my armpits anytime I'm sweating or raising my arms.

The Cons

It’s Not an Antiperspirant: While I don’t feel sticky, slippery, or wet when working out or during hot summer months, I do still sweat a little bit. It’s not excessive and the formula does make me feel much drier than other aluminum-free deodorants. However, sweat still happens. Although I think it may still be on par with how much I sweat with conventional deodorants, it has been a decade so it is hard to remember but it’s not like I didn’t sweat ever before starting on my natural deodorant journey.

It Has an Expiration. Because this product has no preservatives, it only has a shelf life of six months. However, this isn’t truly a ‘con’ because no preservatives mean no parabens which is a wonderful thing. (Parabens are chemical preservatives widely used in personal care products and foods. They are endocrine disruptors that interfere with the production of hormones. Additionally, they can impact male and female reproductive systems affecting development, fertility, and birth results.) So the only downside if you have it use it or toss it after six months.

I Need to Wash my Hands After: It’s really not a big deal but I have to wash my hands after applying—a step I didn’t have to take after using a deodorant that came in an applicator. It doesn’t bother me (I wash my hands after applying my daily sunscreen too) but it’s worth calling out if that could be an issue for you.

There is No Applicator: I thought this was going to be a dealbreaker for me. It wasn’t. And honestly, the product worked so well for me, it’s worth eliminating the applicator all together. However, I know some people may be uncomfortable or have tactile sensitivities so that’s worth considering.

You May Need the Sensitive Skin Version: If you’re prone to rashes from baking soda, you’ll need to try Sensitive Pit Cream. Personally, I have VERY sensitive skin and the regular one doesn’t bother me, but it’s something to be aware of when choosing the right version for you.

The Final Verdict

It’s a win! I’m never going back to applicator deodorants and just stocked up on my second jar of Fat and the Moon’s deodorant cream this week. Looking back, the resistance to touching my armpit and the deodorant cream itself feels silly. The texture is similar to that of a thick, non-oily lotion. I moisturize my face and body. The experience of putting on deodorant cream was no different. I definitely would recommend trying it if you’re in the market for a non-toxic, plastic-free deodorant that works. Let me know what you think in the comments and if you’ve had any success with any other brands of deodorant creams…

sources: EWG

August 28, 2024

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