Low Waste Recipe: Stovetop Popcorn

Easy Stovetop Popcorn Recipe

Microwavable pre-bagged popcorn is so wasteful and way more expensive than making popcorn on your stovetop. Plus, microwavable popcorn increases your exposure to PFAS because it is present in their single-use bags. Why should you care? PFAS, also known as “forever chemicals,” are toxic, even with low-level exposure. They are a hormone disruptor and have been linked to adverse immune outcomes in children, neurodevelopment, Dyslipidemia, and cancer. Making stovetop popcorn is a simple swap that is better for your health and the planet.

Popcorn kernels can oftentimes be purchased in bulk, but if that option isn’t available to you, you can generally find kernels sold in a glass jar. It’s a healthy snack that both kids and adults love. Plus, it stores well and is easy to take on the go.


  • 1/4 c. popcorn kernels

  • 2 tbs. coconut oil


  • Heat the oil: Melt the oil over medium heat. (Coconut oil often comes as a solid and needs to be warmed to become a liquid).

  • Add two kernels: Once the oil is warmed, add two kernels. Cover the pot with a lid, and wait for the two kernels to pop.

  • Add the rest of the kernels: When the two kernels have popped, you know your oil is ready. Pour the kernels evenly over the bottom of the pot and cover with the lid. Shake the pot consistently as popcorn pops.

  • Remove from heat: After about 3-5 minutes when popping slows to a few seconds between pops, remove from heat immediately and serve.


How long does it last? If you’re able to restrain yourself and not eat the whole bowl in one sitting, it will last around 2 weeks. Just put the remaining popcorn into a glass jar to store. It’s great for an on-the-go snack.

[sources: 1, 2]


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