What is an Eco-Actionist?

You are an Eco-Actionist

What’s an Eco-Actionist?

You may have heard the phrase “eco-actionist” popping up here and there. It’s gaining in popularity because more and more people are choosing to live a more mindful, sustainable lifestyle. But what is it? And could you be one already, without knowing it?

While the terms ‘activist’ and ‘environmentalist’ tend to imply full-time jobs, taking to the streets regularly, or lobbying in Washington, the term ‘eco-actionist’ opens up a new breadth of how and who can participate in environmental and social change. So what exactly is an eco-actionist? It is defined as:


Someone who uses their daily habits, choices,
and routines as tools for change.

Activist vs. Environmentalist

Activist: According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, an activist is defined as “One who advocates or practices activism: A person who uses or supports strong actions (such as public protests) in support of or opposition to one side of a controversial issue.”

Environmentalist: Dictionary.com defines an environmentalist as “An expert on environmental problems: Any person who advocates or works to protect the air, water, animals, plants, and other natural resources from pollution or its effects.”

Being an eco-actionist is about considering the impact of your everyday decisions, making informed choices, and doing what you can, given your circumstances, to better the world — both environmentally and socially. Being an eco-actionist is about weaving more sustainable choices into your everyday life through your daily routine and consumer habits. And to be an eco-actionist, you do NOT need to dive into DIY projects, spend loads of money, carve out separate time for sustainability, live off the grid, or be perfect. It is about choosing your most sustainable option, given your choices, time, and budget.

How to Become an Eco-Actionist

We all have the power, time, and ability to become eco-actionists. The first step is to become aware of the impact of your current lifestyle choices, and then begin shifting areas and habits to be more sustainable. You may want to start by calculating your footprint. (I recommend Carbon Footprint, Footprint Calculator, or the UN Carbon Footprint Calculator.) Once you have an idea of your current emissions, it will give you a place to start reducing. Common areas include consumption, food, clothing, home emissions, and transportation. And while anyone can be an eco-actionist, there is not one way to live sustainably. In Mothering Earth, I detail specific ways to help you get started with a practical, actionable, customizable plan.

For more on sustainable living basics, check out the following blog posts:

‘Eco-Actionist’ Origin: The term “eco-actionist” was coined by Julia Rockwell. She began using it in 2018 amongst family and friends, and in her lectures and presentations in the years that followed. It first appeared in print in her 2023 book Mothering Earth.



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